Saturday, May 1, 2010


As a university, and specifically as a student life staff, we have been hiring for a new Resident Director and a new Director of Student Activities. Pretty plain and simple, right? Well, I LOVE the interview process and get so excited whenever we get the opportunity to talk to a candidate over the phone but even more so when they visit campus. Over the past two weeks we have had two gentlemen visit - both extremely different, but both with a heart to work with students. This process has been bittersweet for me because I am so going to miss the current staff who have befriended me, encouraged me, and just been great coworkers. BUT, through this process I have realized I miss the "language" of student development - I miss the provocative conversations, the challenges and the developmental theories I used to once know and study intensely. Thus, I have set a challenge before myself: I am going to learn to study again, I am going to be intentional in the developmental process, and I am going to engage in these conversations with my RA's.

I love learning, reflecting and processing! I love students and being an educator.

AND I love being a student of students.

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