Friday, January 25, 2008


Really, Thank you Jesus that it is Friday - and a beautiful one at that!! Wow, this week has been absolutely gorgeous in Seattle. I know, it doesn't make any sense!! But the sun has been shining and the beautiful moon has been showing its pretty self during the mornings as I drive to work. I love that scene: on one side of you is the amazing sunrise and on the other is the picturesque moon in the blue sky! Wow, I just love that.

I wish I had more to say or pictures to show, but....well, I guess I just need to get out a bit more!


Jess and Josh said...

Nice, I am glad you are liking Seattle!!!

Here we have about 6-12 inches of snow where ever you look! Today is the first day in about a week that it got higher then 0 degrees... It has been cold, but today it actually got up to 36... I tell you what it was sure a heat wave for us! hee hee..

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

we have some awesome sunsets here in az i think you would totally appriciate it. if you go to my friend's blog, Wes J., he's a photographer and takes amazing pics of random places in arizona. enjoy! :)

Jana Kathleen said...

Hey cute girl! We still need to get together, and I know that life is crazy, but I'm glad we're in the same state and area! It IS beautiful here! And the snow today is a perfect Seattle wonderland- my roommate and I just walked to Starbucks in the snow, talk about a perfect day!