Monday, January 21, 2008

27 Dresses

27 Dresses is a must see movie for any girl!! It is chicky, it is flicky, and it is amazing! Litney and I could not start cracking up!! We loved it and would recommend the romantic comedy to ANYONE!! Katherine Heigl is absolutely fabulous!
Really, you should go see it!


Jeni said...

Oh! I want to go see that soooo bad!
Ok... so the first two kids on my blog (McKayla and newborn Josiah) are my oldest brother, Ronnie's, kids. The 18-month kid, Silas, is Thomas' step-kid. His wife had him from her previous relationship. However, Thomas' wife is now pregnant with his kid... she is like 5 or 6 months along! :)
Hope that clears it up! ha ha

Leigh Anna said...

Oh gosh, tell me your heart didn't ache through parts of this movie...But tell me you laughed uncontrollably when they got their car stuck, and they went to the bar and started singing....and then the guy recognized them the next day at the diner!!

Anonymous said...

yeah! i think me and amy are going to see it this weekend.
can't wait to hear about tonight too!