Thursday, January 10, 2008

No-Sweet January

Litney and I decided way back in November to have a "No-Sweet" January - with the exception of "sucky things" (I don't like to call them sucky candies because then it sounds more like cheating) and drinks we don't feel absolutely convicted about (I have had a few sips of pop - which I usually NEVER drink - and a chai tea latte). I would like to say I am winning because Litney had a Pez the other day!
Anyways, the first few days were a fly by; however, we're getting to the 10th day and I am absolutely starving for some sweets!! Don't you hate that when all you want to eat/drink is something that you can't!! All I feel like is a venti caramel machiatto (sp) with extra extra caramel - not my normal drink of choice. But I dream about that extra caramel and just start to drool, practically!

So, the countdown has begun and only three weeks left, to the day!


Leigh Anna said...

Don't worry your pretty little head, I'll get one and drink it for you:)

Anonymous said...

It's a long month yet!!!! Wish I could do the same "no sweet" thing, but don't think I'd ever make it. Love, M

Anonymous said...

in an attempt to empathize, i started the south beach diet and the first two weeks are no sugar and no carbs. that's including candy, soda, fruit, bread, even certain meats and veggies. kinda nuts, but i started on the 6th. doing great so far!!!
good luck hon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

miss you!

Jess and Josh said...

NICE.... last year (06) I made a New Years resolution to cut down on the pop (Mt. Dew mostly) I drank. To this day I haven't had a single sip of pop. Somedays I do crave it but for the most I don't.

I believe in you guys. YOU WILL MAKE IT!!!!