Thursday, October 11, 2007

The little things...

As I was walking back from lunch the other day at Northwest I saw this creature up the road and thought nothing of it. THEN, I realized it was a raccoon. Kinda random, right? Well, this morning I saw the lil fella again (Assuming its the same one because how many raccoons could there be on campus!! =)). He was just hanging out outside my office window then ran across the tennis courts. A student was walking by and did like a "take two" was hilarious!

(This is obviously not a picture of the NU lil fella, but isn't he cute? Gosh, if I liked animlas and wanted to have a pet, I would almost think of a raccoon!)

It's the little things that can bring a smile to someones face and this little random occurence made my day (so far!).

1 comment:

Melanie M. McKinnon said...

crazy! racoons freak me out with their scary human-hands and long fingernails. i don't think i could have one as a pet. they are cute from a distance, though.