Monday, March 1, 2010

Feeling Alive at 25!!

Today is a big day - it marks the day of the 1/4 century birthday.
It is a day where I truly felt the love of all my friends a family through phone calls, texts, emails, and facebook comments (I hope everyone can feel this special on their birthday!).
When I pictured my life at 25, it was no where near my actual life today! (Praise Jesus!) I thought I would be in some sort of business career, married, and definitely not in Texas!

With all of that, I am so blessed at where my life is today. I have my education and continuing to pursue my doctorate. I am in a job I LOVE and enjoy it each and every day, for the most part! I have amazing friends who continue to encourage and inspire me. I am in love with the Lord and continuing to challenge and push myself to follow His will more all the time. I have grown to know more about who I am and am continuing to develop my confidence, boldness and excitement for life! I love life and all that it entails!

Thank you 25 - Let's make it a good year!!


Anonymous said...

You are a "Blissful Joy" to our lives too!!! We love you lots!!!

Jess and Josh said...

Have a great year !!!!

Welcome to the 1/4 century group!!!

Collete55 said...

I'm sorry I missed your birthday! I know what you mean about not being where you imagined you would be at this point in your life, (I'm right there with you, girl!), but it's so cool to hear the excitement that you have about what God is doing in your life. I'm so thankful that He is in control, and that His plan is SO much better than ours!

Collete55 said...

This is Beka Mullins, btw. :)