Thursday, August 30, 2007

My new home!

I finallly made it to Seattle.
Our apartment is a complete disaster with my things strung all over. But I am hoping to have everything done by today (obviously being distracted by blogging isn't helping!).
I am already bustling with things to do, places to go, people to see. It is GREAT!!
Pictures coming soon!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello, this is your friend's friend Joel. I really wish you would remember who I am. Seriously, it would be polite of you to call me sometime. My new number will be somewhere along the line of
011-82-67445-52111 but you'll have to get an overseas account which will cost you around 4 to 5 dollars a month, but could possibly save you thousands. A text message would be nice, so just send one to Leigh Anna and I will put my best foot forward to find her so I can read it.

See you at Hoopfest next year Larissa!

Your friend's friend,