Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello Aunt Judy

Judy -Hey, does this layout and background work better for you?? =) Whatever it will take to get people to read my blog, right??

Everyone -
So, I have applied to Howard Payne University in Brownwood, TX (in the middle of now where) and had a phone interview with them yesterday morning. I think it went quite well and, in fact, today they called for my reference s- always a good sign.

Please just keep me in your prayers. I know that God has a perfect place for me, but I am just anxious to find out where that is!



Tia Langston said...

Good luck! I can't believe you're so grown up. sob-sob ;o)

Anonymous said...

I like the layout better too - it's MUCH easier to read!!! I'm glad they called your references too - didn't know that. God DOES have the VERY PERFECT place for you!!! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I like this layout much better but, wish you could darken the font a little, the dots make it harder to read, but at least I can see the words.
I am not sure where Brownwood, Tx is I think it is south west of us.
Hope it works out for you.
Aunt Judy