Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Michael Phelps, Will you marry me?

He's the world's best swimmer, I use to coach a children's swim team.
He's in amazing shape, I want to be in shape.
He is the most humble Gold Medal winner I have ever seen, I appreciate humility.
He has an extremely supportive family, (as do I) and I want my that in my in-laws.
His mother is a junior high principal, I am going into educational administration.
He has brown hair and eyes, I want my kids to have the possibility for those features.
He is ridiculously beautiful, I deserve someone who is beautiful in my eyes.
He has cried on national television, I want someone who can be sensitive.
He is doing something with his life, I want someone who is stable and supportive.
He has the three best features: dimples, beautiful eyes, and athletic
Jesus loves him, I could love him.
Resolution: Marriage
Haha, all in good fun, but for real....


Leigh Anna said...

Dear Friend,
I think we have a problem. I love Michael Phelps. So I guess what I am trying to say is, game on:) Just kidding. I'll pick our frienship over him, but for real, I love him. But then again, you do make a good argument. But also, then again, my co-workers have started plotting on the way for me to meet him...

Anyways, what are you doing this weekend? I think I'm going to enjoy the sun shine, so if not this weekend, what are you doing next?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!!! Can I help "hook" you up?:) Mom

Joe said...

Not to rag on your hope-of-a-future husband...but...the kid sort of looks like he has Autism... He has the classic Autistic features: droopy eyes, dorky smile, emotional outbursts. I mean - if you want your children to have the possibility of brown eyes and such, you must also be ready for the possibility of Autism...but hey, its your life...

Haha, all in good fun, but for real...